Car Seat Cover

Burlap Pillow

Burlap Easter Banner

Tissue Paper Pom Pom

Alphabet Wall Art

Dining Room Table and Chairs

Book Wreath

Reading Nook

Peter Pan Nursery

Chevron Wall and Printables

Be The Good Sign

Paint A Piano

Entertainment Center turned Kitchen

Glow in the Dark Clock

DIY Simple TeePee

Chalboard for Under $5

Simple and Inexpensive Felt/Magnet Board

Happy Holidays Neighbor!

YardStick Art Display

First Birthday Party

Transfer Paper T-Shirts

One thought on “DIY

  1. Hello! I’ve written a book about a Christmas project for families, and I would like to include your yardstick/clothes pin craft in the book. I made one myself, so I will not be using your picture. Please let me know if this would be OK. 321.253.2576 I left a message on this blog earlier, but never heard back. 🙂 Hope to hear from you soon! Thank you!
    Marianne Baker Ball

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