8 Months of Blessings

This little guy turned 8 months on Sunday.  He is a blessing to have and we are so grateful for his constant happiness and sweet spirit.

But today I wanted to express gratitude once again for everyone who blessed us by coming to my baby shower and for bringing gifts even when they couldn’t make it.

We just bought our first box of diapers since Ty was born.  That’s right.  8 months of diapers were given to us.  We still haven’t even bought wipes yet.

I think that deserves another thanks.

And he got his two bottom teeth a week before he turned 8 months and I can’t stop thinking how fast he’s growing up and how darn stinkin cute he is. I feel like I was just pregnant with him and now he’s constantly wiggling out of my arms.  It goes faster every time.

Let's Hear It Mommies!