Mommies That Inspire: Tiffany Dansie

Today’s Mommie That Inspires is my good friend Tiffany Dansie.  This girl is the real deal.  She is super smart, caring, loyal, spiritual, and an awesome, healthy mom of four.  Since I met her, I’ve always admired her ability to … Continue reading

5 Ways To Burn 100 Calories

(photo credit)

I don’t know about you, but the holidays are always a good excuse to eat a lot.  And to not exercise.  Vacations do that to me too.  And luckily for me, this Fourth of July holiday I was on vacation 🙂  I saw this slide show on Spark People a couple of weeks ago, and knew it was the perfect thing for me while I would be in Utah.

I knew I didn’t want to fit in huge workouts, but I didn’t want to get totally off track.  I loved these exercises so much that I’ll do them on busy days when I get home.

1.  Dance:  I’ve always said that there’s nothing like a Britney dance party with my sons to get my high school body back.  If you dance like there’s not tomorrow for 10-15 minutes, there’s 100 calories burned.  Now that’s something I can have fun with!

2. Shopping: I’ve mentioned this one before about my Costco trips, but shopping is quite the workout.  Walking around and shopping for 40 minutes will burn 100 calories.  Think of the calories you can add to that when you bring the kiddos along 🙂

3. Gardening: Just 20 minutes of working the earth will burn 100 calories for you.  Plus, you’re growing the good stuff for your diet anyway.  Win-win.

4. Helping Someone Move: We get this opportunity quite a bit where we live for some reason.  But apparently it’s a good thing.  In under 20 minutes, you can burn 100 calories from lifting boxes and carrying them around.  If nobody’s moving, reorganize your garage.  Being productive and helpful can burn calories.  Cool!

5. Interval Training: I end up doing this a lot just as I’m going through the day because it makes me feel like I’m exercising.  While I’m feeding Ty his oatmeal I do 50 calf exercises.  Then I walk with high knees over to the sink.  Then I do push ups while I’m giving him his post-meal kisses.  You get the idea.  Integrate intervals and burn 100 calories in 9 minutes.

Try this quick routine:

  • Jumping jacks: 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds
  • High knees: 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds
  • Jump rope (or pretend jumping rope): 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds
    Repeat 9 times to kiss 100 calories goodbye!

 I love things like this because your working out but it doesn’t feel like it.  Sometimes I need that!  Anybody else have quick and easy ways they burn 100 calories daily?  I’d love to hear it!

The 480 Workout

Want another workout?

Try this one out!

It’s called The 480 Workout because you end up doing 480 total reps, although you only end up doing 60 reps of each exercise.  I won’t lie, it’s tough.  Personally, I don’t find it as challenging as The 1000 Workout, but I’m still drenched in sweat when I’m finished!

I found this workout here.  If you are unfamiliar with any of the exercises, check out the website and it has video examples of each exercise.

I like this workout because it starts out with 2 reps of each exercise and then gradually increases to 10 reps, and then decreases again.  Also, I always jog in place (or do jumping jacks) for 30 seconds in between sets, mostly because each set begins and ends with push-up exercises and my arms need a break! 🙂

***Make sure you are properly warmed up prior to jumping right into this workout.

Warm up-Repeat 3x through

  • 20 jumping jacks
  • 20 seconds jog in place
  • 20 (total) mountain climbers
  • 10 bodyweight squats
  • Stretch!!


(By the way, I have tried to format this differently but wordpress isn’t allowing me to do what I want!  Sorry!  Just copy and paste the workout in Word and then change the spacing.)

2 push ups
2 squats
2 squat jumps
2 burpees
2 floor jacks
2 high plank shoulder taps
2 jump lunges
2 shoulder push ups

4 push ups
4 squats
4 squat jumps
4 burpees
4 floor jacks
4 high plank shoulder taps
4 jump lunges
4 shoulder push ups
6 push ups
6 squats
6 squat jumps
6 burpees
6 floor jacks
6 high plank shoulder taps
6 jump lunges
6 shoulder push ups
8 push ups
8 squats
8 squat jumps
8 burpees
8 floor jacks
8 high plank shoulder taps
8 jump lunges
8 shoulder push ups
10 push ups
10 squats
10 squat jumps
10 burpees
10 floor jacks
10 high plank shoulder taps
10 jump lunges
10 shoulder push ups
10 push ups
10 squats
10 squat jumps
10 burpees
10 floor jacks
10 high plank shoulder taps
10 jump lunges
10 shoulder push ups
8 push ups
8 squats
8 squat jumps
8 burpees
8 floor jacks
8 high plank shoulder taps
8 jump lunges
8 shoulder push ups
6 push ups
6 squats
6 squat jumps
6 burpees
6 floor jacks
6 high plank shoulder taps
6 jump lunges
6 shoulder push ups
4 push ups
4 squats
4 squat jumps
4 burpees
4 floor jacks
4 high plank shoulder taps
4 jump lunges
4 shoulder push ups
2 push ups
2 squats
2 squat jumps
2 burpees
2 floor jacks
2 high plank shoulder taps
2 jump lunges
2 shoulder push ups
DONE. What was your time?

Today I Faced My Fear

(this picture was taken two summers ago at Santa Monica Pier) 

I know this may seem like a small feat for some, but I had quite the inner struggle with this choice.

I am quite certain that it has been over 15 years since anyone has seen me in a swimsuit.  No, I didn’t hole up for all those years and never go anywhere with water activities.  I just attended in full garb complete with boardshorts and tank top.

Today my friend came over with her kiddos to swim and I took the plunge and went bare-suited.

Even though I was dripping in insecurities and covered in anxiety, all my cellulite and varicose veins were out there for the whole backyard to see.

And I survived.

I’m not strong enough to make this a regular occurence but this was a breakthrough for me.  No, it doesn’t have to do with being a mommy or a wife, but it will definitely affect those roles because I’m trying to work on myself as a person.

And today I made some big steps in the right direction.

The 100 Workout

Since we have started our 8-week-challenge, I wanted to find new workouts so that I will continue to challenge myself and not get bored with the same old routine.  I found this workout on Pinterest, but there is no credit to who actually originated the routine.  This is a workout that I have ended up using more than once and will definitely use for a long time.  It doesn’t work out your arms so you have to work in some extra time to do those separate, but everything else feels the burn during this workout.

The 100 Workout

100 jumping jacks

90 abdominal crunches

80 squats

70 leg lifts (crunches with your legs)

60 jumping jacks

50 abdominal crunches

40 squats

30 leg lifts

20 jumping jacks

10 minutes of cardio (running, biking, jump roping, etc)

It ends up taking half an hour or so and the thing I love about it is after it starts getting easy then you can modify by adding weights or setting a time limit and racing against your old times.  It may seem like a lot, but give it a try.  You’ll love it!